Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Undocumented SQL Server 2000 functions

Encryption in SQL server [pwdencrypt,pwdcompare]

There are some hidden functions in SQL server through which we can encrypt any string and store the same in the table. This will be very helpful in encrypting the user password and other sensitive user data. Encryption supported by SQL server is one way hash. One way hash is nothing but the string encrypted cannot be decrypted. The only way is to compare values with encrypted string.

DECLARE @ClearPIN varchar (255)
DECLARE @EncryptedPIN varbinary(255)
SELECT @ClearPIN = 'test'
SELECT @EncryptedPIN = CONVERT (varbinary (255), pwdencrypt (@ClearPIN))
SELECT pwdcompare(@ClearPIN, @EncryptedPIN, 0)

In the above example @EncryptedPIN will store the cipher Text. The data in this string is not the encrypted string instead it will return the hash code of the supplied plain string.

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